Introducing Ethan Cotterell

We continue to grow here at Awen Collective. People are behind great business, and this is why we often post profiles of our team members. Every member of the team puts in effort that makes Awen great, and so they should (and do) get recognition for this.

Today we introduce Ethan Cotterell, who has joined the tech division at Awen. Read on to discover more about Ethan.

Welcome to the team Ethan!

Hi, my name is Ethan Cotterell. I am joining Awen as a graduate software developer after completing a computer science BSc and MSc at Lancaster University.


I enjoy experimenting with open source software and hosting different applications, with the goal of being in control of all my data. As a part this, I manage a small home lab where I test these services out and create scripts to automate everything I can. I'm looking forward to being able to apply these skills at Awen to help build something great!

When I'm not playing around with technology, I am an avid badminton player and also go on the occasional run to help keep me fit. Good quality coffee is a must, so my trusty Aeropress comes with me wherever I go.